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Director Julia Nissiotou (assigned by the Department Assembly)

The main objectives of the laboratory are:

  • Designing and conducting research on neuropsychological issues and contributing to the investigation of neurodevelopmental disorders;
  • Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students,
  • Guiding research of PhD candidates
  • Co-operation and exchange of scientific knowledge with other departments of the University of Thessaly and other academic or research institutions
  • Organization of seminars and lectures and publications.

University of Thessaly - Department of Special Education
Argonafton - Filellinon Street, Volos GR-38221 Greece
Phone: 0030 24210 74839, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upcoming event:
Workshop for Autism Day -5 April 2020, in collaboration with the MSc "Counseling Psychology & Counseling in Special Needs Education, Education & Health" and Vyron Mental Health Center, Athens

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